Start a Money Making Blog in 2024; Blogging Explained!

Blogging benefits

Starting a blog is the best way to create a source of passive income. Let me help you with my experience on how blogging works right now!

Want to earn money from the comfort of your home by blogging? Yes, that is the dream I also had. Most bloggers who start a blog do it to make money. But only less than 10% make money from blogging.

Very few people want to blog as a hobby. Those can also make some additional money; there is no harm in converting your hobby into money. After all, who does not want money. So how to make money blogging for beginners? If you ask the same question, you are in the right place.

I will tell you how I make money without taking any paid courses and how you can too with my little secrets sprinkled here and there in this article.

No One Will Tell You “the Secret” on How to Make Money From Blogging for Free

There are tons of free guides available on how to start blogging. They will all tell you the basics or the technical parts, like hosting and choosing a name and so forth to get you started.

No one will tell you in those posts what should be the structure of your blog, what to write at the start, and what direction you need to work to make earning money possible.

There is a good reason for that because that is valuable information. If something is useful and solves your problem or helps you make money, you have to pay for it.

When you read those six figures making blogs, they will sell you a paid course at the end on how to make money blogging for beginners. That is one major part of their income to become 6 figure blog.

Why I am Giving You This Secret to Start a Money Making Blog for Free

I will tell you later that nothing is free in this world. Don’t worry; I will not give you a sales pitch or ask you for some payment.

I will be honest with you; I am doing it to build a connection with you. All I want is the next time you see a post from moneyfromsidehustle; you remember reading this guy’s posts is worth your time.

My motive here is to help you in all the ways I can. Well, you will say, why should I listen to you? I am not a six-figure-earning blogger, and I am just a guy with a PhD that’s too not in money-making but in Human Genetics.

I can assure you that with a PhD, one thing that comes is that you read everything with questions in mind. Before concluding, we research every aspect of the equation.

I am not an SEO expert, but I have built this blog from scratch, and now it earns me a steady passive income of $5000 per month at least. This blog aims to combine my side hustling nature with the abilities I acquired in my research and use it to help you. You can decide if the things I am saying make sense to you.

I concluded from all the readings that you, the reader, are foremost and profit comes after that.

Whatever bloggers write should answer a question. That is why I am sharing with you this trick which made sense to me and will make it to you as well.

I will divide this guide to starting a money-making blog into two parts.

In part I, I will explain blogging with the basics that are required to set up a new blog.

If you already have a blog and want to read how to make money blogging for beginners, you can skip part I.

In part II, I will show you what important things you need to do if you want to make money from blogging.

This is a big article; you can bookmark it if you want to revisit it.


Before going into this how-to-start blogging guide, if you are asking yourself why you should write a blog, I would say why not?

Why are People afraid to start a blog?

  • It is Costly: Absolutely NO. If you think $3.95 is costly, then it may be! But if you are willing to spare one or two coffee, you can get a blog running.
  • You Need to be good at English: Well, It is also not true. Every reader is like you and me and we are not literature experts. What matters is your content. If you can connect with your reader you are good to go.
  • It needs a lot of hard work: I will agree on this one; in the starting, it takes a lot of hard work without any rewards. But once you get the stone rolling, there is no holdback in earning potential with minimal effort.

Owning, operating, and writing a blog doesn’t take much time. On the other hand, you gain a lot by starting a blog. Many people worry that they won’t be good enough writers or that nobody wants to hear what they have to say, so they’d never end up starting one or putting themselves out there.

I would say go ahead; it does not matter if you are doing it for your hobby, sharing your experiences or making money. So what is your reason?

There are about 600 million blogs on the internet and growing, with Tumbler hosting ~500 million blogs. There is no reason why you can not start a blog yourself!

Data sources: Internetlivestats and Statista

Why Start a Blog?

What is your plan to write

Blogging can be a fun hobby, a way to share your words with the world, and it can also generate a handsome income.

If you are a business owner and thinking, will blogging help my business? Well, my friend, you are on the right track. In this era of the internet, according to studies, 60% of people read blogs before buying.

Businesses who have started blogs also see an increase in traffic to their sites which can be converted to money.

There are definitely many perks of writing a blog:

  • Foremost you can share your opinions, ideas, life hacks, experiences, and almost anything you want with the world.
  • If you know what you’re doing, blogging can become a source of passive income. You put time and money upfront to create profitable content as I will show you in this how to make money blogging guide; once it’s out there, it takes little maintenance.
  • You can work from home or from anywhere in the world. Blogging offers a sense of freedom that a full-time job might not. You can set your own hours and work as you wish.
  • It’s fun! If you enjoy writing and learn the basics of how to start blogging, it will feel less like work and more like a hobby.

If any of these things sound like a fit for you, let’s start with our guide to starting a blog.

How to Start a Money Making Blog?

Before going into how to make money blogging for beginners guide details, first, we will learn about the basic setup for starting a blog. You don’t have to be a technical computer expert, just follow these steps, and you will be on your way.

Essential Steps for Starting a New Blog

  • Choose your domain name and host
  • Set up your blog with WordPress
  • Design your blog with a theme
  • Start blogging with good content (ok content in starting will do just fine)
  • Monetize in different ways

Are you feeling confused? Don’t worry. We will go through each step of how to start a money-making blog in detail.

Bear with me, it’s a long post, but in the end, you will be ready with a brand new blog and ready to share a piece of your mind with the world.

Step 1: Find What to Write About

Now that you have a basic idea of how to start blogging. The first thing coming to your mind about blogging is where to start. Find out the things you are obsessed with or at least have some kind of experience in.

What goes in your mind when your mind wanders? The things where you spend more time? What are the things you read more? You are interested in investing, or you are more of a traveller.

Whatever it is, just try to figure it out, even if it is not a broad topic. But you should be aware that you should be able to keep on writing on that topic for many years to come, so there should be enough stuff to talk about.

Choosing the stuff you are interested in will make life easier in the longer run. You might be motivated to write the initial few posts, but you will stop writing if you don’t have a genuine interest.

Another kind of motivation that works is financial motivation; once you start getting good rewards for your work, you will be motivated to write more, even if you are not a fan of that topic. You are in the right place; I will show you how to make money blogging.

You don’t have to be an expert on that topic, you need to know more than the average readers and help them answer their questions about what they are reading your blog.

If your topic is a general one, you need to differentiate yourself from others. For example Travel blogging is a fairly saturated market these days, so if you want to become a travel blogger, find a way to differentiate yourself, be a solo traveller, take a road less travelled by.

If your sole purpose is to learn how to make money blogging, I will explain what you should write about in Part II.

Step 2: Domain Name and Web Hosting

The next step in starting your blog after deciding on the topic is picking up a web address and a hosting plan where your website will be hosted.

Choose Your Site’s Web Address

Your domain name is like your home address, and it helps readers find your website. The site’s domain name should reflect the contents of your blog and be easy enough for people to remember.

The domain name of this blog indicates what it is about. But at the same time, it is very long for new users to type in their browsers. Ideally, it should have been shorter, but I liked it, so I kept it.

You can check the available domain names, which is similar to making a google account.

You want a name that represents you, but at a similar time, it should be unique, but unlike Google, you have to pay for it yearly or take a multiyear plan. There are options for extensions like .com .org etc., I would recommend .com as people are used to typing “.com”.

Try here if your desired domain name is available. When you get the desired result, don’t click Next just now. We will go there in the next section.

Pick a Web Hosting Service

First things first: You need to find a host for your website. This is the only thing you need to pay for to start a blog that will make you money. Your host will provide the storage, bandwidth, and speed to keep your website alive.

You have two options for hosting services, you can also start blogging for free through a platform like Blogger, or you can choose paid services.

You should not use free platforms if you want to make money from blogging. I highly recommend Bluehost for beginners as they provide the best value-for-money services. From this link, you can get a Bluehost hosting plan as cheap as $2.95/month and a free domain (value = $15).

First, go to, if you haven’t already, and you’ll see the page given below. 

Make sure you have the page opened in a separate tab before beginning the tutorial so that you can follow and execute the steps on Bluehost simultaneously.

This will take you to a page like this.

Bluehost home page on how to start a blog

Now, go to the top-left corner or the “三” symbol at the top-right corner (for the mobile version). Click on the “WordPress” in the menu, tap it, and then click on “WordPress Hosting “

After tapping the “WordPress Hosting” button, you’ll be able to see the page like this.

wordpress page on bluehost

Now click on the “View Plans” that will take you to the options available for WordPress plans. As a beginner, just select the “Basic “plan. 

Now select the “Basic “plan that covers everything you need right now.

bluehost plans

Click on that basic plan, and you will land up at the page where you will select the domain name that you checked before.

Simply type the domain name you selected in the “Create a new domain” section and click next. 

select domain

After that, you will reach the page where you need to fill in details like your name, address and other few things.

Then in the last step, you need to choose your plan’s term. You can choose from 1 year to 3 years, and select that comes out to be minimum per month. Like in the image below 12, month plans are the cheapest at $2.95 per month.

account information on how to start your blog with bluehost

With that, you will get free primary domain registration, for which you will save $15 and a free SSL certificate, which is made almost mandatory by Google and costs $10. You will get both of them for free with your hosting plan.

bluehost package information

Other additional options are available, but you don’t need anything now. So uncheck them. If you don’t want to show your personal information to the world who owns this domain, then you can select the Domain privacy and protection option.

Fill in your credit details, and you have done the most important part of starting your blog. Though you won’t face any problems, in any case, if you feel like you are facing problems or don’t want to continue blogging, you can ask for a refund within 30 days with their 30-day refund guarantee.

Step 3: Build Your Website


Choose a Theme

You need to choose a theme. WordPress offers both free and paid premium themes. You can also buy third-party themes from a marketplace like Etsy.

I recommend starting with one of the free themes to get the hang of it.

Different themes will offer different features. Depending on your needs, you can filter your theme search in the WordPress Theme Directory by clicking “Feature Filter.” Check off the feature boxes to find your perfect fit.

Maybe you’re looking for a template optimal for blogs that allow for custom colours and a custom logo; whatever you want, you can select from here.

You can test each theme, clicking around to various pages to get a feel for what you want.

I would recommend not spending much time starting.

You can check out my favourite themes that I use.

It’s easy to get stuck in this part of the blog-building process, but remember, it doesn’t need to be immediately perfect. You can start the blog, and later you can change the theme.

Once You’ve Selected Your Theme, Start Building Your Pages

Your homepage is arguably the most important page on your blog. You’ll want to define your brand and your blog’s topic clearly here. Tell readers why they want to stick around.

First, determine which pages you want. Start with an “About Me” and “Contact” page, as they are important to make a relationship with your audiences.

Now that your blog is up and running, it’s time to do some blogging! Go to the left menu and click on “Posts.”

All right on this how to make money blogging for beginners guide, now you’ve got the essentials to start your blog. Keep playing around with the site. If you have questions, the WordPress blog offers a ton of guidance.

Your About-Me Page

This is an important page and a great place to showcase who you are. Share why you started this blog and why people can trust you. It’ll help the reader feel connected to you like a friend.

Additionally, if you don’t already have a decent photo of yourself, ask a friend or family member to snap one of you.

These days, phones have powerful cameras, so don’t feel like you need to hire a professional and spend money on headshots, at least not at first.

Your Contact Page

Your readers are going to want to reach out to you. Maybe they have a question, want to suggest a story idea, or recruit you to write a guest post. Make that easy on them by setting up a “Contact Me” page.

Include your email address and how to find you on social platforms. If you don’t want to hand out your personal email address, you can create another one for your blog. 

You can also install a contact form plugin. This allows readers to reach out without nabbing your personal information. Plus, all inquiries go straight to your primary email account, so you don’t have to juggle multiples.

Step 4: Start Writing

One of the things that many successful writers will tell you is that just getting started is the biggest hurdle that they have to overcome. They often throw out the first few ideas or even a page or two of writing, which they use as a warm-up.

Are you ready to create content?

Ist step I will recommend is to install the Yoast SEO plugin as it will tell you real-time SEO (I will explain in the next section why SEO is so important).

It will tell you the optimal gap between subheadings, keyword density, and other things that will help you rank higher on google.

I will highly recommend using Grammarly for picking up small errors that you can miss.

Writing High-Quality Content

content for blog

The most important thing about blogging is your content. Quality, more often than not, wins against quantity in the case of blog writing.

It will be better to create two high-quality posts monthly than ten ok posts.

There are a few things to consider for writing a high-quality post

How Long Should a Blog Post Be?

First and foremost, most people question how long they should write each blog post. The honest answer is that it depends on your style of writing, the topic you want to cover, the overall voice and tone of your blog, and how much you know about that subject.

Some blogs write short-form content like 100-word articles. That style makes it very easy to create a blog post with little time but doesn’t often get into the depth many readers are looking for.

Other blogs focus on writing long-form content instead, which can be thousands of words per blog post, and only post a few times a month. These often go very deep on one subject and become a pillar post in whatever category they are talking about.

It’s recommended to aim somewhere in the middle, with most blogs with 500 – 2,000-word posts being a great place to aim for.

Search engines tend to favour the best 1,500 – 2,000-word blog posts, which is an important thing to keep in mind for the future.

Broad or Specific Writing?

Bloggers also vary greatly on how specific or broad they get in a single article. Some generate lofty and conceptual articles about various subjects, and others dive deep into one idea or sub-niche.

Again, your specific content marketing strategy will depend on everything about your blog, personality and writing style.

I recommend shooting somewhere in the middle, so the subject is not too hyper-focused on something that doesn’t make a difference for most of your audience, but also specific enough so you can cover a topic well.

Read Part II for selecting topics and learn how to make money blogging as a beginner.

Create Eye-Catching Blog Post Titles

Writing a headline or blog post title is more of an art than a science, but there are still great frameworks for writing attention-grabbing headlines that get more clicks on social media and search engines. Here are a few of the best guides:

  • Simple and clear – don’t try to be too clever with your headline. Get right to the point of what your article is about.
  • Use specific numbers – blog post headlines with more specific numbers or a roundup list in a particular niche always get shared more on social media.
  • Make a bold statement – be bold! Don’t be afraid to speak boldly about your subject, as it will naturally gather more attention.
  • Ask a question? – this can be a great way to plant some intrigue and mystery in the minds of your readers.

Keep Your Keywords in Mind

Many bloggers forget that not only are they writing for their target audience, but they’re also writing for search engines.

Google, Yahoo and Bing provide most of the search traffic that blogs get, and this organic traffic is a fantastic way to build your number of readers very fast.

When writing your articles, you need to include relevant keywords that people will be searching for within your content.

The key is to place keywords as naturally as possible and not try to stuff in too many or use them unnaturally, as that will get you penalized quickly.

You also need to include many related, tangential ideas and long-tail keywords around whatever particular topic are the main themes of your article.

Google sees that as a measure of authority and expert knowledge about a subject.

Break up Large Chunks of Text.

Big blocks of text might seem boring. Plus, these chunks might look even bigger on a phone screen. Break up text with new paragraphs, bullet points, numbered lists, graphics and photos.

A note on photos: You might want to set a featured image for each post, so if you’ve taken some fantastic photos, use those freely.

If you don’t, you can find photos online just be careful to source and cite them ethically. Follow guidelines like these on Written.

Pexel, Picjumbo and pixabay are resources for beautiful (and free!) stock photos.

Once everything’s set, click “publish”!

Step 5: Promote Your Blog

If you’re just starting, don’t worry too much about promoting your blog just yet. Your goal right now is to build up your high-quality content.

Now that you know how to start blogging, it comes to building your audience; there are some strategies you can employ.

Track Your Analytics

You’ll want to understand better what’s working and what isn’t working on your blog, so look at your numbers with a free analytics tool, such as Google Analytics.

Fill out basic information about your website, and Google Analytics will give you a tracking code.

Paste this into your website’s pages and posts, or simply install the Google Analytics plugin from widgets and get a tracking code. Simple enough, google will start tracking your visitors.

I suggest paying attention to the source of traffic (social media, direct, Google, etc.), the number of page views and the time spent on the page.

If, for example, a page has a high number of views, but folks aren’t sticking around, maybe your headline is working, but your article is not.

Over time, this information can help you tailor content to your readers’ needs and interests.

Share Posts on Social Media

social media for blog

Social media platforms are a great, free way to get your words out to the world. Think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr…

I think Pinterest is best to focus on starting as it can potentially generate massive traffic if your pins are catchy. You can automate pinning by tailwind.

The best platform for your content will depend on your goals. If you’re relying on visuals, then share a photo on Instagram.

Add social media buttons on your site, too. This will help your readers easily share your content. For this, you’ll need to explore a WordPress plugin.

Learn Some Simple SEO Best Practices

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” Here’s the easiest way to explain it: If an article is optimized for a specific keyword (a word, phrase or question), it should rank higher when someone searches it on Google.

The goal is for the post to land on page one of Google search so that it will garner more clicks.


SEO is intricate, and Google likes to switch things up quite frequently, but here are some essential, tried-and-true tips:

  • Use keywords. Think of keywords within your post. This isn’t simply the most frequently used word but the word that encompasses a topic that someone would search.

You can check out what other top-ranking sites are writing on the topic by searching it on Google. There you’ll also find questions people ask Google and related searches.

Linking to your content is super important for SEO, but you don’t want to insert links in your articles for the heck of it. Google can detect that.

But if you’re writing about easy dinner recipes in another post, perhaps you can link back to your similar posts.

Once you get the hang of these basics, start exploring the SEO world more deeply. You’ll find tons of online tools and tutorials to guide you through the complicated world of Google.

Build an Email List

Want to let people know when a new post has been published? Or deliver great tips to their inbox? Build out your email list to gain loyal subscribers.

There are several tools for this, but one of the most popular that’s been around for a while is Mailchimp. You can build up your subscriber list and design your emails right within the platform.

Send constant emails so that your readers remember you.

You can use constant contact free 60 days trial on this link for sending mails.

Step 6: Monetize Your Blog

You wanted to know how to make money blogging for beginners. Here it is! Once you feel comfortable and confident, it’s time to start making money from your blog.

Before coming to this step, have at least 10 to 20 good written posts.

make money with blogging

There are several ways to make money from blogging. You can sell your products or services, or you can sell ads and feature affiliate partners.


An ad network acts as the middleman between you and advertisers. One of the biggest ad networks is Google AdSense, and the tool automatically displays ads. 

The price advertisers pay varies, so there’s no way to say how much you can make using Google AdSense, but you’ll get paid when a reader interacts with the ad. The reality is, that you might not make a ton of money this way, but it’s a great start.

For reference, Adsense pays me around $2-3 $10 for every 100 users.

I will not suggest plaguing your readers with ads. This is distracting, overwhelming, and feels quite spammy. Instead, opt to display a few ads per page.

This option is worth experimenting with to start. Once you build up your audience, consider approaching advertisers directly for advertising partnerships. 

Affiliate Programs

Learning how to make money blogging with affiliate marketing is super important to start a money-making blog. You include a link to a company’s product or service in your content, and each time you direct traffic to that, you’ll get a piece of the sale.

Many times, you have to apply to join an affiliate program. Once you have a tracking link, you’ll create content and include links.

Don’t be salesy; the reader should be a priority, then put links in the text only if it makes sense.

The reader is a priority for creating content that will ultimately increase the trust and readership and revenue will follow.

Hundreds of affiliate programs are out there, and each one pays differently. The key is to do research and find ones that fit your blog’s niche and mission and start making money from blogging.

The best ones I recommend for beginners are FlexOffer and Awin.


Now you have gone through all the steps from choosing a domain to monetizing a blog in Part I of starting a money-making blog guide.

Here in Part II, I will show you what to do if you aim only to earn money. I made these mistakes which made me learn in the long run after a lot of research.

I am putting here the critical things for you when done in the wrong way will lead to failure. If implemented right, you can start making money blogging in months, if not weeks.

Out of the two ways shown above to make money, with advertisements, it isn’t easy to earn sufficient money comparable to affiliate marketing.

You will need at least 50,000 page views to make 1000 dollars with advertisements. That isn’t easy, to say the least, for beginners.

You can earn this amount with even 1000 page views with the right kind of audience through affiliate marketing. Let’s see how to get this right kind of audience.

If you are going to target affiliate marketing to make money from blogging, you need two things.

1. You Need to Get the Attention of the Audience

This is the first step to start if you want to learn how to make money blogging for beginners. First, you need to be visible to the audience you want to target.

If they can’t see you, they can not buy from you. With the right kind of SEO, titles, and social media, you might get the right audience’s attention.

Why do I use the word right audience? In advertisements, you are more worried about the number of the audience, but in affiliate marketing, your audience should be interested in your content. Then only they will click on your links.

Most audience coming from google is the targeted/right kind of audience because they are coming to you after asking a specific question.

They are more likely to buy the products you recommend. That’s why organic traffic is so much essential to make money blogging.

2. You Need to Win the Trust of Your Audience

This is the most important thing to make money on your blog. You would want regular visitors to your website, and it is tough to get new visitors every day.

You need to build up trust with the audience. They need to trust you, so they click on the affiliate links you recommend to them.

You won’t get that trust so easy. To build up that trust, you need to provide them with the answer to their problems. You have to answer their question better than your competitors.

You need to provide them value for spending time on your blog, whatever niche it is. How can you, as a starter, provide valuable content for the reader which is better than others?

Choosing a Topic for Starting a Money Making Blog

You need to choose a niche that has already proven to make money. As we say in science, there is no point in reinventing the wheel. Instead, use that energy to find a use for that wheel. Stand on the shoulders of the giants and do your own successful business.

You need to see from the perspective of your audience. If you want to make money blogging as a beginner, try to figure out – will your audience spend money on the products you are going to talk about.

In my research, niches that have proven to be successful are

  • Money making
  • Health and fitness
  • Food
  • Home decor
  • Travel

Most top money-making bloggers write on these niches.

You can also choose some unorthodox niche; just keep in mind – will your audience buy the products you discuss?

You want to write about video games; some people are passionate about video games and will spend money on them. So you can write on video games. They will read it and will buy your recommendations.

Micro Niche for Starting Bloggers

You can choose a little broad niche like money-making or video games.

For starting you can’t write just about all the random video games. You need to choose a sub-niche of your main niche because there will be less competition in your sub-niche.

If a reader has to read about all the video games, why would they hear from you? They will read from an established website with any niche you choose.

Choose a sub-niche in starting your blog and write elaborate articles about it that provide more value than your competitors.

Find out who features on google’s first page for the keyword you want to rank for. Make sure your article is better than those. Like in our examples of video games, write about console games elaborately. Provide information to the reader that your competitors are not providing.

That will win your audience’s trust, and they will connect with you. If a person wants to know about console games, he will trust you more because you have more elaborate content on console games.

Google will think you have authority on the subject because you are just writing consoles consoles and consoles and not scattered posts on console games, cars and wildlife. That’s how you will initially get the traffic from Google when you don’t have Domain Authority. That’s how you start to make money blogging.

Once established, you can keep on adding more sub-niches. Make your website a network of sub-niche one by one.

Each sub-niche ranks in its categories and your blog as a whole is prosperous.

Connect one post to other related posts that can provide value to the reader. If you can interconnect your website like a map for the reader, it will enhance their experience and your sales.

Once you have won the trust, you can ask your readers to sign up. They will happily do that. When gaining trust and ever after, think first about your readers, and don’t ever break their faith.

Whatever you are recommending should always add value to them. Else, readers are not fools; you will lose their trust faster than you got it.

If you follow this advice and whenever in future you endorse something, they will know you are not trying to scam them. It will give you consistent earnings.

How Basically Blogging Bussiness Works?

You came here looking for ways to start a money-making blog and wanted to know how to make money blogging as a beginner. My competitors for this question are selling you these same principles or even less for more than 100s dollars.

I want to provide you with value better than theirs, and that’s too, without any payment. I hope this work has gained your trust and you remember me.

Now, if you can see the logic in the things I have told you, it is highly probable that you will be inclined to read about other things I have researched, such as the best apps to make money and many more things.

That will be where I may earn money in commission for sending you to the products that will help you in answering your questions. Win-win for both, I got some cash at no cost to you, and you got the product that will help you.

It’s a mutual relationship; when you use my links to get the products that will help you, I will get the money that will motivate me to research more and write here about more products relevant to you. That, in turn, will help you again and I don’t have to sell you those courses.

You see, it’s a complete circle on its own.

Now It’s Your Turn to Write and Make Money from Blogging

There it is! You have gone through every step in creating a blog, writing great content, getting it out there in the world and learning how to make money blogging as a beginner.

Creating a successful blog is something that many people cannot do, but for the ones who persevere and work through it, it can have great rewards in the end.

But it is also about the journey along the way. If you follow Part II, you can make great money; if money is not your aim, you can have a great creative outlet and produce a work of art that you are proud of for years to come.

Many online resources claim to start a blog, and making money blogging is as easy as making a pie. As you can see from this comprehensive guide, it’s a work of patience.

At times, you’ll get frustrated. But, if you’re passionate about your cause, keep going. It’s going to take time and patience. So many people have successfully started money-making blogs; there is nothing to stop you if you persist.

This is blogging explained in the easiest way as I understood it with my personal experiences. Now you know how to make money blogging and get on with the work.

Let me know in the comments how your journey goes.

Check out all the best resources I use! These resources have helped me immensely in my journey and I am sure they will help you as well.

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